Il Girasole - Two-room apartment in Arezzo

Il Girasole is a charming two-room apartment in the historic center, composed of a living room, kitchenette, bedroom and bathroom. The apartment is located near the Duomo, you can reach Piazza Grande on foot in just a few minutes. Nearby, the magic of the historic center, with restaurants, bars and shops and above all the unique beauty of a city of art visible in the churches and monuments within the historic walls. Free and paid parking outside the city walls about 200 meters away.


The house is located in a strategic position to visit the historic center. Very close to Piazza San Domenico, a few minutes walk takes you to Casa Vasari, Piazza Grande and the main churches of the town.




  • Via Chiassaia, 32 52100 - Arezzo
  • tel: 339/3514466
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